Minilio is a minimalist perfect pixel theme that designed for portfolio, online store, agency and other work/product focusing websites.

On the go Odile

Fall is upon us; the clocks went back and the weather is getting cooler and crisper. The shorter days are having us hankering for a cosy feel to our fashion, one that envelops us and protects us from the harsher days and longer nights.

The change in seasons brings inspiration to our founder and designer Odile Jacobs, who is currently travelling  to Ghana to source new fabrics and silhouettes for a more in-depth winter collection. The fabrics are, as usual, a bold print with the traditional African colours and patterns, however, created for a winter pallet, slightly more muted.

Odile is meeting with the fabric production companies to perfect her vision and make sure that her creations are precisely what she is looking for. She is meeting the head of the atelier, Rodrigue, to discuss the new collection and the assembly of the fabrics and styles.

Her days are spent meticulously traipsing markets and producers to find just the right prints and fabrics, the ones that speak to her and get her creative juices flowing.

Odile will return on November 12th to continue to output the well curated winter collection, that will, no doubt, include some new surprising shapes for everyone, a look for every mood and personality.

Odile will be attending the Art Basel festival in Miami and the Echo Park Craft Fair in Southern California in early December to roll out her immaculate creations.